Registration Form Name of Parent * First Name Last Name Full Name of Applicant/Student * First Name Last Name Contact Email * Phone Number (Home) * (###) ### #### Phone Number (Cell) (###) ### #### Address of Applicant * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Student's Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Previous Musical Training (If Applicable) * RCM Number (If Applicable) Program Goals Website Images * From time to time we will be taking photographs/videos of students engaged in various musical activities related to the school including participation in classes, recitals & festivals. A selection of these images will be posted on our website Please indicate with your initials whether you give consent or deny consent in allowing your child to be on the school website Give Consent Deny Consent Terms and Conditions * All tuition fees are payable in advance. The full term consists of 39 weeks and includes statutory holidays. There are no lessons billed for Christmas Break (2 weeks) or Spring Break (2 weeks). Lessons during the summer are arranged on a month to month basis. All students are strongly encouraged to attend lessons for at least one month over the summer. Tuition is due at the time of registration in order to hold your spot. Payment options: Payment may be made in full by cheque OR with 2 postdated cheques dated September 1 & February 1 OR in monthly payments with 10 post-dated cheques dated for the 1st of each month – September to June. Regrettably, there are no make-up lessons for missed lessons, except in the event of a prolonged illness. Students who will be absent due to an extended holiday and who have given 3 weeks notice, can make-up the missed lesson(s) at a time mutually agreeable to both the student and teacher. In the event that a teacher misses a lesson, the lesson will be made up at a mutually agreeable time. Tuition fees do not include RCM exam fees, music festival fees, recital tickets or books. Three weeks notice is required if a student wishes to withdraw from study. By checking this box, I understand, accept, and agree to these terms. Thank you so much! We will respond to you as soon as possible.